YTL Communications YTL Communications is a subsidiary and the communications utility of YTL Power International, a utility group active across key segments of the utility industry worldwide. YTL Communications operate...
Digital China NetworksDigital China Networks (DCN) is a Chinese leading equipment and solutions provider in Intranet and Internet. Relying on comprehensive capabilities in product design, R&D, production, distribution and technical...
TransmodeTransmode's products are designed and developed to help operators, service providers and enterprises cost efficiently increase their network capacity and to offer new, revenue-generating services. Built for metro access to...
Acme PacketAcme Packet Net-Net product family delivers trusted, first-class interactive communications and data services Acme Packet’s Net-Net family of session border controllers, multiservice security gateways and session routing proxies enable...
Xener SystemsXener IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) Xener Systems have pursued and built the open standards- compliant, true interoperable IMS architecture based upon our established NGN technology/products and decade-long rich field...
AvvasiAt the core of Avvasi solutions is a unique technology that allows for a highly scalable, real-time measurement of video-based Quality of Experience (QoE). Much like MOS scores, this perceptual...
SevOneSevOne provides the world's fastest, most scalable IT management and reporting platform, delivered as all-in-one appliances, to help customer detects and avoids performance events before they impact business operation. With...
Accedian NetworksAccedian’s best-of-breed, Service Creation and Performance Assurance solutions enable mobile operators and service providers to effectively manage their network’s performance and deliver higher quality services to customers. Accedian’s products...
VOIPFUTUREVoice over IP revolutionizes telephony For this reason the standards of line-switched telephony are only of limited validity in assessing the quality of VoIP networks. Permanent monitoring is indispensable to...
Utimaco Utimaco is a leading global supplier in the LI market and one of the world’s leading manufacturers of innovative and professional solutions for hardware security module technology. Lawful Interception...